It is used in manufacturing environmentally sustainable products like light weight Autoclaved Aerated concrete Blocks.
For low carbon Flyash blocks
For medium carbon Flyash blocks
For high carbon Flyash blocks
Through casting or green stage protocol applied in manufacturing of AAC blocks, controlling rate of reaction between various raw materials like, quick lime (CaO) and silica (SiO2) present in fly ash, cement and fine aluminum powder directly affect the generation hydrogen.
Consequently, affects uniform porosity throughout the AAC mould predominantly affecting to the stability and quality mould.
Soluble is a High - Grade blend of soluble oil designed to suit the wide range of variations in the quality of fly ash for enhanced removal of impurities.
Soluble oil acts as an excellent dispersing agent, aiding in forming homogenous mixture of the ingredients used for manufacturing AAC cake and also controlling the rate of reaction predominantly between fine aluminum powder and lime in the presence of water leading to generation of hydrogen gas released which in turn affects the porosity.
Soluble oil removes the side effects of impurities like high carbon content in fly ash and other sources
Soluble oil contains a high-grade blend of polymers which are complemented by a custom-built acid assay to improve the separation of particles by controlling the surface tension and to prevent clustering of raw low-density particles like fly ash, Fine aluminum powder, etc
It also enhances strength of uniform porous structure at wet stage inside the mould during reaction between moist lime and fine aluminum powder as well as release of hydrogen gas by dynamically increasing the surface tension.
Carbon fraction present in the fly ash affects the quality and it widely varies due to upstream difficulties. As a result, conventional soluble oil dosage during manufacturing has to be adjusted in the recipe and it varies from mould to mould leading to decrease in operational efficiency of the aac manufacturing plant and large number of potential errors affecting quality of the final mould.
Shake well before use..
Packaging: 200 kg / Barrel.
preferably with 200 kg / Barrel foreseeing logistic safety consideration which is subject to technical consideration of the TECHWAVE team.
Partner with us to leverage cutting-edge chemical solutions and expert technical support for optimized performance and sustainability in AAC and construction industries.
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